The Horsehead and Flame nebula in a more widefield context, This is a mono image, consisting of 27x1800s (13.5 hours of total exposure) - It;s interetsing to see the FOV differences between the Tak FSQ85 and KAF8300 chip and the Sony ICX814 chip with an 8" RC scope. Take a look here
Here's a target I have avoided for 5 years.... It was one of the first images I ever took and after a while relaised how difficult it is due to it's huge dynamic range... so there was no way I was going near it!! This year I submitted.... Here's my take on the Great Orion Nebula totalling over 26 hours of data mixed from different cameras, mounts and scopes!
Here's the best bits from 2016!!
Taken with a combination of scopes at different focal lengths (330mm and 1700mm) this has been a fun year. There's hundreds of hours of data in this montage. |
AuthorSara Wager is an astrophotographer with published articles and images to her name Archives
April 2020