This is a 2 pane mosaic of M78, some of Barnards loop and LDN1622. There's masses of data here, mixed from the TMB and the dual Taks as well as 2017 and 2018 data.
The Pacman nebula (NGC281) is a target that I have always considered to be very boring, with a very flat central area. In most cases (including my previous attempts) it's been very solid looking. I decided to give this another go and see if I could make something better of it than I had previously........ This is 30 hours worth of data, taken with the TMB152/1200, Mesu 200 and QSI690 with 3nm Chroma Ha, OIII and SII filters.
The Fish head nebula (IC1795) is part of the Heart nebula complex. This is 50 hours of total integration with the new QSI690 and Chroma 3nm narrowband filters.
You can see more here This is my latest image - 50 hours worth of data on the Iris nebula. I've imaged this now at three different focal lengths......I think this has been my favourite!
Before this year I had never imaged a globular cluster..... How boring they are I thought, clusters of stars and they must all look the same! Well, how wrong I was. I have now imaged 4 of them and all during periods of full moon - So they are excellent in giving you stuff to image and fill in the gaps for the moon cycle.
The four I have imaged here are hugely different in size and density,despite having been imaged using the same equipment..... I shall never find a glob boring again!!!! This is a bi colour version of the Herbig Haro objects in the Pelican nebula. Taken with the TMB152, this has a total of 30 hours worth of exposures. All taken from my garden in Spain.
The final version of M13, the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules. This has been taken mostly through the full moon. It;s a combination of 20 hours of data, taken with the Mesu200, TMB152/1200, The Eagle S and the QSI683. This is also the first complete image where I have used the latest APP software for all pre processing, RGB combination and Light pollution removal. You can see more about the image here M5 is one of the largest known Globular Clusters. I pointed the TMB at it while the moon was too large for anything else. This is 20 hours worth of data..... 30x600s in Lum, Red, Green and Blue. You can read all about it here
There's more clusters on the way!!! My first completed image with the TMB 152/1200 - What a beautiful scope!! M3 is a Globular cluster with over half a million stars in it ...... 20 hours worth of data from my garden in Spain.
The Rosette nebulae (NGC2237) taken with the dual imaging rig of 2 x Takahashi FSQ85's and 2x Kodak KAF8300 sensors. All of the data was taken using the new Eagle S from PrimLuceLabs - This is a total of 40 hours worth of data.
AuthorSara Wager is an astrophotographer with published articles and images to her name Archives
April 2020