The final version of M13, the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules. This has been taken mostly through the full moon. It;s a combination of 20 hours of data, taken with the Mesu200, TMB152/1200, The Eagle S and the QSI683. This is also the first complete image where I have used the latest APP software for all pre processing, RGB combination and Light pollution removal. You can see more about the image here
This is a highlighted view of the Propeller in the Globular cluster M13. This is only Luminance at the moment, I am gathering colour data at the moment.
This looks promising... This is a 6 pane mosaic of the Butterfly nebula. It is only 1x600s in each pane as I wanted to check that it all fitted together before carrying on.
The mosaic was stitched together using the new Astro Pixel Processor software and despite some teething problems with settings it eventually went together well. No visible joins, it looks like this software is going to be very good indeed. |
AuthorSara Wager is an astrophotographer with published articles and images to her name Archives
April 2020