An old work colleague told me how much he liked the Iris nebula as it's his Granddaughters name. So I decided to image the Iris nebula again (after 2-3 years) and see how it turns out for him! So far this is 20:45 hours of luminance data. The colour will take some time as the moon is starting to show now and I won't image this with any moon about at all to maximise the data quality.
Onto another project! This is Pickerings triangle in the Veil nebula... This is a 2 pane mosaic and I wanted to just check that the 2 panes fitted together. This has had very little exposure time, so if FAR from a finished target, but you can get an idea at this stage about how it will look in mono at least!
This is a bi colour version of the Herbig Haro objects in the Pelican nebula. Taken with the TMB152, this has a total of 30 hours worth of exposures. All taken from my garden in Spain.
Finally I'm making head roads into this image..... This is 4 completed panes of Ha of a 6 pane mosaic. It's taken 32 hours worth of data so far.... So I've decided that instead of gathering OIII and SII data in the same way, I'll capture that data in the shorter focal length Taks and combine it... will make life much easier!!!
AuthorSara Wager is an astrophotographer with published articles and images to her name Archives
April 2020